Why does attendance matter?
Attending school on a regular basis is the key to your child doing well at school and will set them up with good routines for later life and the working world, as well as giving your child the opportunity to:
✓ Make lots of friends and feel included
✓ Learn new things and develop many skills
✓ Increase confidence and self- esteem
✓ Improve social skills
✓ Achieve potential and fulfill aspirations
Attendance is monitored weekly and reported to both Governors and the DfE on a termly basis.
Our Attendance Officer is Mrs Barr
Requests for Term Time Holidays
Family holidays should take place during the school holiday dates. These are published a year in advance. Please be mindful that absence due to holiday is not a parent’s entitlement.
From September 2013, Headteachers may not authorise leave unless there are exceptional circumstances. If parents feel the reason for taking a holiday is exceptional they should complete a holiday form and return it to the Headteacher for consideration.
Parents/carers have a legal duty to ensure their child/children attends school regularly. The details of parents/ carers who have unauthorised absence (including those who have taken an unauthorised holiday) will be passed to to the Education Enforcement Team at the Local Authority for consideration and could result in the issue of a fixed penalty notice if the trigger of 10 unauthorised absences (5 days) is met.
School registers close at 9.05am.
When children miss registration through lateness, parents are advised that repeated absences at the beginning of a school session can amount to failure to attend regularly. It is essential to inform the school as soon as possible if for any reason a child is delayed in the morning. Children who are brought to school late, or are taken out during the school day should be registered at the school office.
Medical Appointments
Please make medical appointments outside of school hours or during the school holidays. Where a child has a hospital appointment during term time please inform the school office with proof of the appointment in advance.
Reporting Absence
It is the duty of parents/carers to inform school on every morning of any absence. Failure to do so may result in your child’s absence being recorded as unauthorised. We like parents/carers to phone by 9.15am at the very latest. We are active in following up unexplained absences, by a phone call in the first instance. An absence will be recorded as unauthorised if there is no explanation given for the absence or if the reason is unacceptable e.g. going shopping. By law all unauthorised absences must be recorded on the child’s individual report.
Sickness During the School Day
In the case of your child being taken ill or having an accident at school, we will contact you immediately. It is very important that you advise us of any change in contact numbers, as soon as possible, and please have at least one other person for us to contact should you be unavailable.
Need support with attendance due to mental health and wellbeing? Below is a link to a wealth of support resources that may help!
Attendance and mental wellbeing in schools and colleges : Mentally Healthy Schools
Please find below our absence policy and related documents.