Hot School Meals
Our lunchtime meals are provided by Cupcakes Early Years Catering.
We follow the Government Guidelines regarding Universal Infant Free School Meals, which pupils in Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to.
Lunch for Year 3 and 4 pupils cost £2.30 but will increase to £2.45 from 1st March 2025.
Details are included in our Prospectus.
- Ordering is completely online through our School Money system.
- Orders now need to be placed in advance, not on the day.
- Year R, 1 and 2 order a full half-term in advance.
- Year 3 and 4 order at least weekly (or a full half-term if you wish to).
- Orders for the following week must be placed by midday on Thursday.
- Children will need to bring a packed lunch if orders are not placed in advance.
- Paid for meals will be charged at £2.30, increasing to £2.45 from 1st March 2025.
- If you have any problems ordering then please contact the school office.
Lunch time
Lunch starts at 12.15pm. All our children eat in the school hall. A sample of our lunch menu can be found below.
All School Meal Orders are placed via the 'Dinner' tab on SchoolMoney. Select each day a meal is required and make your menu selection, then checkout via the basket to ensure your order is processed, even if payment is not required (YR-Y2).