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Pupil Premium

How Stoke Prior First School uses Pupil Premium to make a difference

Pupil Premium funding is additional money that the school receives in order to help close the gap in attainment for disadvantaged children.

Closing the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers is a big challenge facing all schools.  The gap is difficult to close because often the causes are entrenched and complex, and most lie beyond the control of schools and educators.

However, as a school we believe that we can and do make a difference.

Since the introduction of Pupil Premium funding in 2011, the school has worked hard to develop and refine strategies that help support the children in the school.  We take an ‘evidence informed’ approach to Pupil Premium, always looking for best practice.

We recognise that whilst Pupil Premium is provided as a separate grant from core funding, this financial split should not create a split from high quality whole class teaching. 

Pupil Premium Pupils are more likely to be lower attaining than peers but we appreciate tackling disadvantage is not only about supporting lower attainers.  Supporting middle and high attainers is also vital.

Over time we have recognised that selecting a smaller number of priorities gives a better chance of impact, success and sustainability.

Stoke Prior First School takes a tiered approach to Pupil Premium Spending.

  1. Teaching – Spending on improving the teaching across our school.  Ensuring that all children are taught by teachers performing at the highest level as a result of training and development.
  2. Targeted academic support – Pupils are provided with high quality support when they need it.
  3. Wider strategies – Specific strategies identified in relation to the school’s own context such as attendance, social and emotional support.

Careful analysis shows that the Pupil Premium funding received in 2018-19 was spent in a range of ways and has had a significant impact on the pupils it was designated for as well as others.  This impact is demonstrated through the progress and attainment the pupils have achieved by the end of the academic year.

Evidence shows that where any gaps in attainment exist for pupils eligible for funding, effective spending of the Pupil Premium Funding ensures the gap in attainment for these pupils narrows and for most disappears as they move through the school.  Some eligible pupils achieve well above their age related expectations by the end of Year Four.

It is clear that from looking at assessment data, the earlier underachievement is identified and high quality teaching and targeted support is put in place, the quicker any gaps are closed. Through well-timed and targeted support, all pupils eligible for Pupil Premium in Stoke Prior First School achieve well by the end of Year Four.

The school takes a long-term approach to pupil premium planning recommended by the DfE and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). We believe in maximising the use of the Pupil Premium Grant by utilising a long-term strategy aligned to the school’s development plan. This enables us to implement a blend of short, medium and long-term interventions, and align pupil premium use with wider school improvements and improving readiness to learn.

There is a designated Governor responsible for the close monitoring of Pupil Premium spending within school and termly updates are provided to all Governors.

Below is a 3 year plan for Pupil Premium Spending 

As we move through 2023-24, the priorities set out in our strategy document will continue to be worked towards