School Uniform
Winter Uniform
- Navy or dark grey skirt or pinafore / black or dark grey trousers/shorts.
- School logo navy sweatshirt or sweatshirt cardigan.
- Pale blue polo shirt,
- navy or white socks or tights.
- School shoes (no trainers).
Photo to follow shortly
Summer Uniform
- Blue and White check dress/playsuit / black or dark grey shorts
- School logo navy sweatshirt or sweatshirt cardigan.
- Pale blue polo shirt,
- navy or white socks.
- School shoes (no trainers).
Summer uniform can be worn from the start of the Summer Term and if preferred, until the end of the first Autumn Half Term, in October.
PE Kit, for all year groups:
Plain white polo shirt,
navy shorts,
navy jogging bottoms,
navy sweatshirt/hoody,
PE bag.
PE kit should be bought into school at the start of each half term. It will be kept in school for the duration of the half term so that it can be used on any day necessary.
Most items can also be purchased from supermarkets or department stores and our PTA hold regular second-hand uniform sales.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and PE Bags are named.
We ask children with mid to long hair to have it tied away from their faces, for health and safety reasons. Please ensure children come to school daily with their hair tied back. They will be asked by an adult in school to tie it back if it is not. Hairstyles should not be extreme, such as brightly coloured or having shaved logos/lines. Hair accessories can be of reasonable size and in line with school colours (blue, black, white, grey).
For safety reasons, children must not wear jewellery to school. Any child with pierced ears should wear a small plain stud. Earrings should be removed for P.E. or they will have to be covered with Micropore tape. The school cannot take responsibility for any lost or damaged jewellery.
Children are not permitted to wear smartwatches that are linked to a mobile device or have the ability to take photographs in school.