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Year 2

Welcome to Spring Term in Year 2!


Hello from the Year 2 team!

Mrs Anderson, Miss Mather & Miss Jacobs

Mrs Anderson, Miss Mather and Miss Jacobs

Mr Collins is covering Miss Mather's maternity leave.

                  Miss Lewington TA                                                              Miss Adams TA


Year 2 School and Eco Councillors 

Year 2 School Councillors

                                     Year 2 Eco Councillors

Please use the headings below to see what we are learning about this term in Year 2.



This term, in English, we are studying the following texts:

  The Bog Baby | Teaching Resources | Reading | Year 1 & Year 2 | KS1                                                        Grandad's Island by Benji Davies — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists

            The Bog Baby by Jeannie Willis                                                                            Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies

Children will be writing narratives for both texts, as well as instructions and an information text.

Terminology for pupils: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, compound, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past present) apostrophe, comma


We use  White Rose Maths. Below you can see the small steps we will be learning in the Spring term. Each small step usually represents one lesson. However, sometimes we may take a few extra lessons to learn and consolidate some of these maths skills. 

Our maths focus areas this term are: Money, Multiplication & Division, Length & Height, Mass, Capacity & Temperature. 


Guided Reading

We have three Guided Reading lessons every week. These are the texts we are reading this term:

Text 1 Text 2
The Magic & Mystery of Trees After the Fall
Creation and Conservation A twist in the tale
Non-Fiction Fiction


In Science during the first half term we will be learning about use of everyday materials, where we will learn to:

  • Name objects with the same use that are made from different materials.
  • Name materials that are used to make objects with different uses.
  • Recognise that stretching, twisting, bending and squashing can cause some solid objects to change shape.
  • Name properties that make materials suitable for their use
  • Measure using non-standard units.
  • Recording results in a table.
  • Use data to answer a simple question.
  • Record results in a block graph.

In Science during the second half term we will be learning about life cycles and health, where we will learn to:

  • Identify stages in the life cycles of different animals, including humans.
  • Describe the basic survival needs of animals.
  • Explain how to take care of personal hygiene.
  • Describe some positive effects of exercise.
  • Identify foods in different food groups.
  • Measure using simple equipment.
  • Record results in a table.
  • Use data to answer a simple question.
  • Research using secondary sources


 In computing this term we are learning about online safety week, and coding. We use Purple Mash to help us learn about computing. You will find your login details in the back of your reading diary. 


How did we learn to fly? 

In our Spring 1 history topic we will learn to:

  • Identify important events surrounding the history of flight.
  • Explain how a significant event has changed the lives of others.
  • Ask questions about people and events in the past.
  • Use primary sources to find out about people and events in the past.
  • Correctly order five events on a timeline

Why is our world wonderful?

In our Spring 2 geography topic we will learn to:

  • Identify and locate characteristics of the UK on a map.
  • Identify human and physical features.
  • Locate human and physical features on a world map.
  • Explain the difference between oceans and seas.
  • Name and locate the five oceans on a world map.
  • Use an aerial photograph to draw a simple sketch map.
  • Collect data by sketching findings on a map and completing a tally chart.
  • Present their findings in a bar chart.


In DT we are learning about Cooking & Nutrition - a balanced diet. We will learn to:

  • Name the main food groups and identify foods that belong to each group.
  • Describe the taste, feel and smell of a given food.
  • Think of three different wrap ideas, considering flavour combinations.
  • Construct a wrap that meets the design brief and their plan.

In Art we are exploring the colour palette and sketching designs by artist Romero Britto.  



In Music we will be exploring instruments and their symbols and pitch this term. 



In PE this term we are learning the following:

Target Games

  • Roll, overarm throw, underarm throw, strike, doge and jump


  • Shapes, balance, travelling actions, shape jumps, barrel roll, straight roll, forward roll

Invasion Games

  • Dribble, throw, catch, kick, receive, run, jump, change direction, change speed

We also have our forest school sessions this term, which is part of our PE curriculum. 

Kids Studying Forest Composition 4453603 Vector Art at Vecteezy


We follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. 

Our two key questions this term are:

  • What is the ‘good news’ that Christians believe Jesus brings?
  • Why does Easter matter to Christians?


In PSHE we are learning about:

  • What jobs do people do?
  • What can we do with money?

Enhanced Curriculum 

Forest School

Year 2 have forest school on a Thursday afternoon starting on Thursday 6th February, and finishing Thursday 20th March. The final session for each year group will be in the morning, and family members will be invited in to join the children around a fire.

Children are to come to school in uniform and bring their own kit in to school on a Thursday to change in to. This includes: a change of clothes, waterproofs, wellies/walking boots, gloves, hat, bag to put wet items in at the end of the day


Year 2 have learning outside the classroom for an two hours every other Wednesday afternoon. Children need to bring in dark jogging bottoms and wellies for these weekly sessions.  Please see our Outdoor Learning page for more information on  LOTC

Pantomime - a gift from our PTA for the whole school. 9th January

A Circus Skills Workshop on 31st January - another gift from out PTA for the whole school

Reading, Spellings & Times Tables at home

It is expected that parents will support their child’s learning through nightly reading, times tables and practising spelling words. Creative tasks may be set at points during the year that children can complete to support class topics or other whole school themes e.g. arts week or science week.

Expectations for homework

  • Reading: Children will receive a reading book from school, which they should read every day. It is also encouraged for them to read their own books at home too, to develop a love of reading and an experience of a range of genres. Please log all in reading in their diaries.
  • Spellings: children  will receive weekly spellings. Please support your child in learning these.
  • Times tables:  Children should be using the online platform Times table Rock Stars - regularly to practice these, so that they know all of their facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. At least twice a week (2, 5, 10)
  • Whole School Challenges: Throughout the year there are a range of special challenges e.g. make a bird feeders related to whole school initiatives. These tasks are optional and are in addition to homework set by class teachers.

Online Platforms (if you wish to do extra!)
Numbots -
Times table Rock Stars -
Purple Mash -

Thank you for taking the time to look at our class page and everything we are going to be learning this term. If you have any questions, please contact the office or speak to a staff member after school!