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Year 4

Welcome to Spring Term in Year 4!


Hello from the Year 4 team!

Mr Gregory & Miss Jacobs (TA)


Year 4 School and Eco Councillors 

Year 4 School Councillors 

Year 4 Eco Councillors 

Please use the headings below to see what we are learning about this term in Year 4.



This term, in English, we are studying the following texts:


Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Stanton                              The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Ann Duffy

Children will be writing narratives for both texts, as well as an information text and a persuasive letter

Terminology for pupils: determiner, pronoun, possessive pronoun, adverbial


We use White Rose Maths. Below you can see the small steps we will be learning in the Spring term. Each small step usually represents one lesson. However, sometimes we may take a few extra lessons to learn and consolidate some of these maths skills. 

Our maths focus areas this term are: Multiplication & Division, Length & Perimeter, Fractions and Decimals.


Guided Reading

We have three Guided Reading lessons every week. These are the texts we are reading this term:

Text 1 Text 2
Viking Voyagers The Firework Maker's Daughter
Taking Courage Darkness and Light
Non-Fiction Fiction


In Science during the first half term we will be learning about States of Matter, where we will learn to:

  • Identify solids, liquids and gases using their properties. 
  • Describe melting, freezing, condensing and evaporating. 
  • Describe the different stages of the water cycle. 
  • Describe how temperature affects the rate of evaporation and, therefore, the water cycle.
  • Ask relevant questions.
  • Use results to draw simple conclusions.
  • Use thermometers to take accurate measurements.
  • Make predictions for new values.
  • Record findings using labelled diagrams.
  • Research using more than one source.


In Science during the second half term we will be learning about Sound & Vibrations, where we will learn to:

  • ​​Describe how sounds are made.
  • Describe how sounds are heard through different mediums.
  • To observe closely how different instruments create a sound.
  • Research how whales and dolphins communicate underwater. 
  • Present results using a bar chart.
  • Suggest which variables to measure and for how long.
  • Design simple results tables.
  • Identify when results or observations do not match predictions.
  • Explain the relationship between vibration strength and volume. 
  • Describe the relationship between volume and distance.
  • Describe pitch and how to change it.
  • Explain how insulating materials can be used to muffle sound.


 In computing this term we are learning about logo, online safety week and coding. We use Purple Mash to help us learn about computing. You will find your login details in the back of your reading diary. 


Were the Vikings raiders, traders or settlers? 

In our Spring 1 history topic we will learn to:

  • Identify the reasons for migration to Britain. 

  • Make inferences from sources and find evidence within a source to support their reasoning. 

  • Describe the parts of a longboat. 

  • Explain whether the Vikings were traders or raiders and providing supporting evidence. 

  • Explain the meaning of cause and consequence. 

  • Make observations and deductions about artefacts

Why are rainforests important to us?

In our Spring 2 geography topic we will learn to:

  • Describe a biome and give an example.
  • State the location and some key features of the Amazon rainforest.
  • Name and describe the four layers of tropical rainforests.
  • Understand that trees and plants adapt to living in the rainforest and give an example.
  • Define the word indigenous and give an example of how indigenous peoples use the Amazon’s resources.
  • Name one way in which the Amazon is changing.
  • Articulate why the Amazon rainforest is important.
  • Give an example of how humans are having a negative impact on the Amazon and an action that can be taken to help.
  • Use a variety of data collection methods with support.
  • Summarise how the local woodland is used and suggest changes to improve the area.


In DT we are learning about electrical systems - torches. We will learn to:

  • Identify electrical products and explain why they are useful.
  • Help to make a working switch.
  • Identify the features of a torch and how it works.
  • Describe what makes a torch successful.
  • Create suitable designs that fit the success criteria and their own design criteria.
  • Create a functioning torch with a switch according to their design criteria.

In Art we are exploring self portraits in the style of Frida Kahio using paints. 


For our music lessons in Year 4, we learn to play a musical instrument and have a specialist music teacher from Severn Arts come in every week to teach us through the FAME programme. 

In Spring term we learn to play the flute.  Each child will be allocated their own flute, which they will bring home to practice on. These need to be bought into school every Monday!

Flute Buying Guide - How to Choose a Flute


In PE this term we are learning the following, from our Get Set for PE scheme:


This takes place every Wednesday, with Year 3, at Droitwich Leisure Centre, where we will learn a range of swimming strokes and water safety skills. 



  • Physical: pace, sprint, jump, throw


  • Individual and partner balances, rotation jumps, straight roll, barrel roll, forward roll, straddle roll, bridge and shoulder stand. 


We follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. 

Our two key questions this term are:

  • What is the ‘Trinity’ and why is it important for Christians?
  • Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’

What Is The "Holy Trinity?" - HubPages


In PSHE we are learning about:

Why should we keep active, sleep well, eat well and look after our teeth?

MFL (French)

Out French topic this term is 'All Aboard', where we will be exploring the following with Mme Pillion

  • Revising days of the week and months
  • Revising numbers
  • Learning the weather sentences
  • Learning how to say the temperature.
  • Learning how to say what you are wearing depending on the weather.
  • Learning about French towns
  • Present a weather forecast.
  • Reading the story” Quel temps fait-il Berthe?“
  •  Making a mini story book

Enhanced Curriculum 


Year 4 have learning outside the classroom for an hour every Tuesday afternoon. Children need to bring in dark jogging bottoms and wellies for these weekly sessions.  Please see our Outdoor Learning page for more information on LOTC

Pantomime - a gift from our PTA for the whole school - 8th January

Worcestershire STEM challenge - 9th January

Adopt a Chef - as part of the children's DT and PE curriculums, Mr Caldora will be in school each term to teach the children about healthy eating and how to prepare different meals. This term he is visiting on 23rd January.

Y4 Maths event @ AFMS for selected children

A Circus Skills Workshop on 31st January - another gift from our PTA for the whole school. 

WB 14th March - Bikeability

Reading, Spellings & Times Tables at home

It is expected that parents will support their child’s learning through nightly reading, times tables and practising spelling words. Creative tasks may be set at points during the year that children can complete to support class topics or other whole school themes e.g. arts week or science week.

Expectations for homework

  • Reading: Children will receive a reading book from school, which they should read every day. It is also encouraged for them to read their own books at home too, to develop a love of reading and an experience of a range of genres. Please log all in reading in their diaries.
  • Spellings: children  will receive weekly spellings. Please support your child in learning these.
  • Times tables:  Children should be using the online platform Times table Rock Stars - regularly to practice these, so that they know all of their facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. Every day (all tables to 12 x 12)
  • Whole School Challenges: Throughout the year there are a range of special challenges e.g. make a bird feeders related to whole school initiatives. These tasks are optional and are in addition to homework set by class teachers.

Online Platforms (if you wish to do extra!)
Numbots -
Times table Rock Stars -
Purple Mash -

Thank you for taking the time to look at our class page and everything we are going to be learning this term. If you have any questions, please contact the office or speak to a staff member after school!