Check out our gallery to see our Year 4 pupils taking part in a lesson delivered by Sarah of STEMworks, which gives children an opportunity to learn more about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
Our annual Christingle Service at St. Michael's Church is always a very special event, as families come together and walk with us to the church to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. This year not only did we sing songs from our Christmas production but Year 3 also told us more about...
Thank you to everyone for supporting the Children in Need appeal by donating in order to wear non-school uniform for the day. The children really enjoyed seeing each other with Pudsey items and their favourite clothes and an amazing £159 was raised for a charity close to our hearts...
Our Reception Class and Year 1 all snuggled down with their blankets and cuddlies ready to watch a Movie with their friends, with hot-dogs, pizza and popcorn at the ready for the interval. Thank you so much to our PTA for organising this fund-raiser and for everyone who supported the even...