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Welcome to Autumn Term in Reception Class!


Hello from the Reception Class team!

Miss Bowen, Mrs Barnett & Miss Adams
(photos to follow)

Year R's School and Eco Councillors 

photos and names to be added once elections have taken place

Reception Induction Process

Please click on the headings below to find out more about our induction process.

Information Pack

This pack contains a range of information. Please ensure all documents are completed and returned to school.

Welcome Evening

We hold a welcome evening for our new Reception class in June, where you will be able to meet your child’s teacher, hear about our school and what they will be learning in Reception and ask any questions you may have at this point.

Call to Pre-school/Nursery setting

Our Reception class teacher will call your child’s nursery/pre-school setting to discuss how your child is at nursery and ask some questions about them, such as: favourite toys, friendships, likes/dislikes etc.

Home Visits

Our Reception class teacher will conduct a pre-arranged home visit over a two week period in July. We do these to see your child where they are most confident, as an opportunity to exchange information between parents/carers and teachers and as an opportunity for your child to show off their favourite toys and books.

Stay and Play sessions

You will be offered a stay and play session on one of two days. These usually take place in the last week of our academic year and they are a great opportunity for you and your child to familiarise yourselves with their new classroom before they start in September. It is also a great opportunity for them to start making friends with their new classmates

Staggered Starts in September

The children in September start in two groups to begin with, building up their time in school across the first week. From the second week of term all children are in school full time. More information on your child’s staggered start group and times will be sent to you in your information pack once you receive a place at our school. 

Please use the headings below, along with the newsletters and curriculum maps, to see what we are learning about this term in Reception.

Essential Letters and Sounds (Phonics)

We start our reading journey in Reception through our ELS scheme. Below you can see the order in which we learn phonics in Autumn term:


This term in Literacy we are studying the following texts:


The Something by Rebecca Cobb                                                                               Star in a Jar by Sam Hay      

Children will be writing narratives for both texts, as well as a recount and an information poster.

Terminology for pupils: letter, capital letter, word, sentence, full stop, question mark


We use Master the Curriculum for maths. Below you can see the small steps we will be learning in the Autumn term. Each small step usually represents one lesson. However, sometimes we may take a few extra lessons to learn and consolidate some of these maths skills. 

Physical Development (PE)

In PE this term we are learning the following:

Introduction to PE (units 1 & 2)

  • Physical: run, jump, hop, skip, balance, crawl
  • Social: share, communication, work safely, co-operation, leadership
  • Emotional: independence, perseverance, confidence
  • Thinking: select and apply actions, comprehension, reflection, make decisions
  • Physical: run, jump, throw, catch, roll, skip
  • Social: work safely, co-operation, support others, communication
  • Emotional: honesty, confidence, perseverance, determination
  • Thinking: comprehension, make decisions, creativity

Fundamentals (units 1 & 2)

  • Physical: balance, run, jump, hop, change direction
  • Social: support others, work safely, take turns
  • Emotional: honesty, determination
  • Thinking: decision making, comprehension, select and apply
  • Physical: run, jump, hop, balance, change direction, travel
  • Social: work safely, support others, share and take turns, co-operation
  • Emotional: perseverance, honesty, determination, confidence, acceptance
  • Thinking: comprehension, creativity, select and apply, exploration

Pe Class Clipart | Free download on ClipArtMag

Enhanced Curriculum 

Stay & Play - You are invited to join us in our classroom on 22nd Nov for the afternoon.

Multi-skills tournament - As part of our All Active Academy membership, we are invited to take part in a multiskills festival this term. More information will follow. 

The Christmas Concert- Reception class have their own Christmas concert each year. We hope you can join us on 10th December 2pm or 11th December 10am. 

Learning at home

It is expected that parents will support their child’s learning through nightly reading, times tables and practising spelling words. Creative tasks may be set at points during the year that children can complete to support class topics or other whole school themes e.g. arts week or science week.

Expectations for homework

  • Reading: Children will receive a reading book and a sharing book each week. Please encourage your child to read their reading book every day and log this in their reading diaries. Shared reading books should be read by an adult to their child.
  • Phonics and Handwriting: Reception will also receive phonics books when new phonemes have been taught. The purpose of these books is to develop children’s understanding of GPC’s and also their handwriting skills. Please share these daily where possible.
  • Whole School Challenges: Throughout the year there are a range of special challenges e.g. make a bird feeders related to whole school initiatives. These tasks are optional and are in addition to homework set by class teachers.

 Thank you for taking the time to look at our class page and everything we are going to be learning this term. More can be found about what we learn in EYFS on our Curriculum Page.