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School Council

Our School Council has been in operation for a number of years.

At the start of every academic year a boy and a girl are elected from each class  by their peers. 
The representatives are very keen to take on this responsibility on behalf of their class and are involved in a number of important issues throughout their term of office.

Welcome to the School Council of 2023 - 2024

Minutes from our meetings in academic year 2023-2024


Mrs David joined us for our final meeting of the year. As a group we went through a list of suggestions from staff on what we could give house points for. The children decided if they would be given 1, 2, 5 or 10. They also shared any ideas they had. Mrs David will use these to create a document for teachers that they can use from September to start awarding house points.

Mrs Paisley thanked all of school council for the wonderful job they have done this year. She also wished the Year 4's well as they move on to middle school. Mrs Paisley reminded children that they can nominate themselves again for school council, as this is how it is done in Government. 


Mrs Paisley shared the suggestions received from Staff and reception class for house team names. Children shared the ones they had from their class discussions. We discussed that the names should link to the school/locality in some way.

Suggestions were narrowed down to the following three categories: Rivers, School Values, Stoke. The suggestions were then taken back to classes to hold a democratic vote. They were also shared with staff for them to vote as well.

Rivers: Salwarpe, Stour, Severn, Sugarbrook

Values: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Teamwork

Stokes: Prior, Health, Pound, Works

At our next meeting, Mrs Pailsey will bring a list of reasons we might be awarded housepoints for. Our task will be to decide how many house points each item is worth.


Thank you to our school council for playing such an active role in our recent Deputy Headteacher interviews. All children wrote some fantastic questions, which you can see below. Five of the council then joined us on day 1 of the process, after school,  to 'grill' the candidates in a Dragon's Den set up! Mrs Harris, who chaired the interview, said all the children asked the questions confidently and politely and that she was really impressed with their feedback at the end. Well done to all of our wonderful children and a special shout out to Freya (Y4) for her excellent note-taking during the process!

  • What personal qualities do you have that would be good for our school?
  • How do you keep calm under pressure?
  • What assemblies would you do?
  • What stories do you like to read?
  • How would you want to help the school?
  • Would you come to forest school with us?
  • What is your favourite lesson to teach?
  • What was your favourite lesson to learn as a child?
  • What is your favourite colour?
  • Can you tell us a joke?

All books collected in for Mrs Paisley to look at the answers to her questions: What do you love most/enjoy about our school? What would you like to do more of/start?

  • Mrs Paisley will collate all of the answers together

Questions for our new Deputy Headteacher. We discussed what we might want to ask the new DHT at interview, which we have been invited to be part of. We came up with 10 good questions, which we will share after the interview!!

Rules for the climbing frame. As a group, we came up with some rules for the climbing Frame. Joseph and Freya in Year 4 will now make these into a poster to go on the climbing frame. They are:

  1. 7 children allowed at any time
  2. 10 minutes each
  3. no jumping from height
  4. no pushing or pulling
  5. stick to your own ability
  6. don't climb up the slide. 

Meeting closed.


Mrs Paisley welcomed the children and asked them to introduce themselves, as she hadn't met all of them yet. The children were asked to think about the following two questions:

  • What do you love most/enjoy about our school?
  • What would you like to do more of/start?

The children discussed these and then took their blue books back to class to ask the same questions there.

Meeting closed. 


Mr Satchwell welcomed all the new councillors and explained what being on the school council is all about. 

The school council  will be interviewing the new Headteacher and so they need to work out the questions to ask. 

The council decided that they would like to ask all children what to ask. 

Meeting closed. 

Last year was a very busy year for the School Council.  Have a read to see what we achieved.

Minutes from academic year 2022-2023


Update on the project with Eco Warriors

School Council met on Friday 11th February to arrange notifying classes about the animal home homework.  Over half term, all children are being encouraged to make bird feeders and animal homes to put around school.  Each councillor will explain project to the class and it will go home with the school newsletter.  When we return from half term, homes and feeder will be displayed for everyone to see.

In addition, councillors felt a litter pick was needed in school now as there were increasing amounts of litter being seen by children.

Joint project with the School Eco Warriors

The school Council met jointly with the Eco Warriors to discuss a new project in 2022.  The children will be joining forces to try and achieve the Green Flag for the school which is an excellent measure of the school's commitment to improving the environment.  There is an extensive action plan which the children will begin work on in the new year - watch this space.